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Traceable* Clip-it
Counts down, alarms, as well as a stopwatch. It clips to your lab coat, belt, notebook, clipboard, or anywhere. Four-digit LCD display always shows the time remaining in hours and minutes. Program it in the countdown mode, in 1 minute increments, from 20 hours to 1 minute. At zero, a loud beeping alarm sounds for 60 seconds, or it may be silenced manually. In the stopwatch mode it times from 1 second to 20 minutes and then repeats itself. 1/3 in. display digits makes it easy to read. Three-button operation is quick and intuitive. Traceable certificate is supplied to indicate traceability to standards provided by NIST. Has a rugged, chemical-resistant ABS case, quartz-crystal 0.01% accuracy, magnet for placing on metal, and 1 1/2 year, continuous-use, replaceable, silver-oxide battery. Dimensions are 1 1/2 x 2 in. and weighs just 1/2 oz.